Plants in the Landscape

Dracaena dracos "Dragon Trees"
This is a beautiful example of Dracaena Dracos used in a public place. Here they are in the Santa Monica Public Library.

Euphorbia ammak variegated and Aloes
This is part of a display of our plants used at the Rockefeller Center.

Using a combination of Aloes in the landscape leads to a harmonious landscape while still creating interest due to differing heights, widths and colors.

Agave attenuata
Agave attenuatas are often used in landscapes not only for their lovely blue hue and sculptural appeal but also because they are soft leaved with no real sharpness making them especially"kid friendly" in public spaces.

Dracaena Draco Indoors
This Dracaena draco 'Dragon Tree' has been inside a house for Interior Landscape Beauty for over a year with no ill effects.

Silhouettes Plants at the Rockefeller Center
The text at the top of the photo tells you many of the names of the plants featured here.

Cycas revoluta "Sago Palm"
Cycas revolutas are fantastically drought tolerant so they compliment an eco friendly landscape design beautifully and also add a tropical vibe or are perfect in a Zen Garden.

Assorted Aloes
Aloes can be used in an exceptionally creative way as shown here!

By purposely over watering Euphorbia ingens (but one has to do this very carefully to avoid root rot) during the growing season, one can achieve dramatic effects as seen here.

Agave Attenuatas and Dracaena Dracos
Agave attenuatas and Dracaena dracos in multiples delivers a harmonious feel

Dracaena Dracos
Dracaena dracos impart a tropical vibe when planted near water areas like seen here at Santa Monica Library.

Lemaireocereus marginatus
The columnar lines of Lemaireocereus marginatus make a regal statement adding to the visual strength of an entryway while the relaxed organic flowery shapes of Aeonium arboretum give a warm welcome. For added interest, Echinocactus grusonii adds warm colors.